How to Care for Monsteras

Monstera deliciosa, Swiss Cheese Plant

Bright, Indirect Light
Allow top inch of soil to dry between waterings
Difficulty Level

Monstera plants are generally easy to care for.

Monstera plants are generally easy to care for, making them suitable for plant enthusiasts of various experience levels. They are adaptable to a range of light conditions and can thrive in both bright, indirect light and lower light levels. The challenge with Monstera lies more in providing the right environment for optimal growth, including proper watering and occasional fertilization. With attention to their specific needs and a well-balanced care routine, Monstera can transform your space with its iconic split leaves and tropical allure.

Allow top inch of soil to dry between waterings, water every 1-2 weeks

Watering Monstera, with its iconic split leaves and tropical allure, requires a thoughtful and adaptable approach to mimic its natural habitat. Allow the top 1-2 inches of the soil to dry out between waterings, typically every 1-2 weeks, adjusting based on factors like room temperature, humidity, and light levels. Water thoroughly, allowing excess water to drain away to prevent waterlogged soil, which can lead to root issues. Monstera plants appreciate higher humidity levels, so misting the leaves or placing a tray of water nearby can be beneficial, particularly in drier indoor environments. During the growing season, spring and summer, you may need to water more frequently, while in the dormant winter months, reduce watering. With bright, indirect light and a mindful watering routine, your Monstera will thrive, unfurling its striking leaves and adding a touch of tropical elegance to your indoor space.

Bright, Indirect Light

Monstera, with its iconic split leaves, thrives in bright, indirect light. While it can tolerate lower light conditions, providing moderate to bright, indirect sunlight will encourage the development of its striking leaf fenestrations. Avoid exposing Monstera to harsh, direct sunlight for extended periods, as this can damage the leaves. Placing your Monstera in a location with filtered sunlight or bright, indirect light will ensure its lush growth and add a touch of tropical elegance to your indoor space.