How to Care for Ficus Audreys

Ficus benghalensis, Banyan Fig

Bright, Indirect Light
Keep soil consistently moist
Difficulty Level

Ficus Audrey is considered moderately challenging to care for.

Ficus Audrey, with its broad, glossy leaves, is considered moderately challenging to care for. These plants prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. The key challenge lies in maintaining consistent humidity and avoiding sudden changes in their environment, which can lead to leaf drop. Ficus Audrey plants are sensitive to overwatering, so a careful balance in watering frequency is essential. With attention to their specific needs, including proper lighting and watering practices, Ficus Audrey can thrive and become a striking focal point in your indoor oasis.

Keep soil consistently moist, water 1-2 times a week

Watering Ficus Audrey, with its glossy, violin-shaped leaves, requires a careful balance to support its growth and vitality. Allow the top inch of the soil to dry out between waterings, typically every 1-2 weeks, adjusting the frequency based on factors such as room temperature and humidity. Ensure thorough watering when needed, allowing excess water to drain away to prevent waterlogged roots. Ficus Audreys prefer consistent, moderate humidity, and misting the leaves occasionally can be beneficial, especially in drier indoor environments. During the growing season in spring and summer, your Ficus Audrey may require more frequent watering, while you can reduce it in the dormant winter months. Achieving a harmonious watering routine, coupled with bright, indirect light, will keep your Ficus Audrey flourishing and gracing your space with its elegant foliage.

Bright, Indirect Light

Ficus Audrey plants prefer bright, indirect light to maintain their glossy leaves and overall health. They can tolerate lower light conditions but thrive in a location with filtered sunlight. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as this can scorch their leaves. Finding the ideal spot with ample, indirect light will contribute to the Ficus Audrey's robust growth and create an inviting presence in your indoor space.